Race Condition Running

Light Rail Relay

October 1st, 2022

We're running a relay along the Link 1 Line. You're invited.


The relay will start at Angle Lake station and follow the entire operational line to Northgate, with exchanges and selfies at each station on the way. More than one runner will be assigned to each leg.


Leg leaders are marked in bold. Underlined name indicates first leg. Times nominal. Follow the live schedule for up-to-date estimates.

Relay-Day Procedures


Leg Leaders

The relay starts soon.


Why do this?

If you already run with RCR, think of it as an extra-special weekend run. If you don't, think of the Light Rail Relay as a chance to meet a bunch of new friends. Running from station to station also helps you appreciate how the Link ties together different parts of the city. Check out the photos from last year if you still need convincing.

Who can participate? Anyone in the CSE community. How far do I need to run?

You can choose how far, and we'll be able to accommodate any distance between .5 miles and 28 miles.

How fast do I need to run?

Also up to you. We'll schedule the relay according to your pace estimate, taking into account things like the elevation change and the street context as well. You may be scheduled to run more slowly than your preference to accommodate other runners.

Will I be too slow?

No. We typically plan the legs through the downtown core only modestly faster than walking pace, so we'll have no problem accommodating a broad range of abilities.

I'm unsure how fast or how far I can run.

We recommend you join an RCR weekday run before the relay so that we can figure out what's appropriate. This is especially important if you're new to running or if you're returning after a long break.

I'm uncomfortable or unsure about signing up because I don't know enough about where I'd be running.

The organizers have run the course and put together some notes about what to expect along each leg, so do click around the route map. Multiple people will be assigned to each leg and at least one experienced runner will be in the group at all times. Please note any particular concerns or constraints on the open-ended part of the sign-up form so we can accommodate you.

Is there anything planned for after the run?

We are planning to enjoy the U-District Food Walk and Street Party after the conclusion of the relay at 5:00PM. According to the U-District Partnership, this year's food walk will have an "After Party" with "$4 drink specials from your favorite neighborhood establishments between 6pm-10pm, along with a breakdancing competition, outdoor music, and dance party right on the Ave."

Can I still sign up?

You can sign up until the initial schedule is made a few days before the event. Beyond that point, no, but you can join for any scheduled legs that you are able to. Please message us in the event Slack channel, #light-rail-relay-22, so we know to expect you.

I want to update my preferences.

You can update your responses on the entry form until the weekend before the event. After that point, you can reduce or increase the number of legs that you run if it does not affect the pace schedule, otherwise there will be no changes.


On October 1st, 2022 18 runners carried the baton from Angle Lake to Northgate.

Navigation was smoother this year. A better route map meant more people could monitor where we were. As a result, unlike last year, we ran about 15 minutes ahead of schedule for most of the route. This would've been fine, but spreadsheet confusion meant that later runners were given the impression that we were as much as an hour ahead, causing stress as people rushed to make their exchanges.

But the story of this year is the first-ever Light Rail Ultra. Ellis ran the entire course. 6 hours and 28 minutes on foot to see every light rail station in the city (and a couple outside it, technically). If you were to take out waiting and selfie time, it's a feat that would easily fit between the last train leaving Angle Lake at night and the first train arriving at Northgate in the morning. It's impressive today, and it's going to sound impossible to future Seattlites as more stations open and the overnight window (hopefully) shrinks.

It looks likely now that we'll have one or two more goes on this route before East Link opens and changes everything. As disappointing as it's been to watch opening dates slip back, the future of light rail in Seattle, and the future of Light Rail Relay, looks bright.

Nick Walker